Friday, January 25, 2013

On Finding out My Passion

One day, someone asked me to ask myself what I want to do with my life, what my purpose of living is. I was thinking, but I couldn’t get the answer. So he said it’s easy and asked me again, what my passion is, what thing that makes me happy. And then I was thinking about it again. I said to be surrounded by the people I love, to make them happy. But he said again, it’s not that. Maybe family and friends are important to me, but still I need to know what thing that I do that makes me happy. I was thinking so hard, and finally I found the answer. To meet people, to interact with them, definitely not to be behind the desk, stare at the computer a whole day.

Yes, I love meeting new people, interacting with them. Knowing what kind of life they live, listening to the story of their life, knowing their way of thinking and sharing mine too. I think it’s the best feeling in the world ever.

I was a very active kid, I liked to ask question while everyone was too shy just to raise their hand. And up until now I always have a thousand of questions whenever I see something new. My mom also always encourages me to not be afraid to ask and to speak in front of many people. I owe my family for raising me in that kind of atmosphere.

I’m always excited to learn something new (well, definitely not math though), and that’s the reason why I chose Korean language as my major in University. I love learning new language. And when I’m able to speak in other language, that’s also the best feeling in the world. Especially when I talk to the native, and they could understand what I say.

I always believe everything starts from a dream. One day, I will go around the world to meet new people, learn new culture, and understand new language. I know I can’t fulfill my passion right now, but someday, someday I also know that I can, mentally and financially.

Jakarta, January 25 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

나는 이미 포기했다

그는 잠깐 돌아왔다가 또 다시 떠나갔다.
내가 얼마나 많이 기다렸는지 그는 아마 모를것이다.
다시는 받아주지 않겠다고 자신에게 약속을 해도 그가 올때 또 달라졌다.
그는 나의 중력 그리고 언제까지도 이루어질 수 없는 나의 집착이다.
잊을려고 노력해도 사소한것들 때문에 마음이 다시 그에게 돌아왔다.

나는 이미 포기했다.
그가 다시 올때까지 기다리고 또 기다릴 수 밖에 없는것 같다.

자카르타, 2013년 1월 14일