Wednesday, August 31, 2011


    추억이라는 말은 "지나간 일을 돌이켜 생각함"이라는 뜻을 갖다. 추억은 대부분 좋은 기억인데 꼭 다 좋은 기억이 아닐 수도 있다. 아무리 나쁜 기억도 언젠가 좋은 추억이 될 수 있다. 한 순간에 많이 아팠던 일은 다른 한 순간에 추억이 된다. 한 순간에 많이 힘들었던 일은 나중에 추억이 될 수 있다. 추억은 우리가 만드는 것이다. 그러니까 좋은 추억만 남을 수 있도록 아팠던 일, 힘든 일, 미움, 안좋은 것을 다 지우고 항상 좋은 기억만 기억하고 그래야 좋은 추억만 남을것이다. 그것이 무슨 뜻이냐면은 우리가 항상 마음을 비우고, 용서하고, 그러면 다 좋은 추억이 될것이다. 어렵긴 한데 자기가 믿고 다 할 수 있다.

나는 그렇게 생각한다..

대전, 2011년 9월 1일

Saturday, August 6, 2011


commitment. it's what we, as a grown up, must have.
That's what I wrote on my Twitter and Facebook status just a few minutes ago. The reason why I wrote that, because I heard about a friend who just worked in a company for one day but decided to left the company. She didn't tell anyone exactly why she left, but she once said to everybody that she's sick. Of course no one believes what she said. Everybody knows she's not satisfied with the salary. Evidently, she didn't ask about salary when she had interview and just found out about it on the first day of work. And when she found out about it, she decided to left, not resign.

What I want to emphasize here is, the commitment. When we decide to do something, mustn't we commit to what we decide? For example, when we decide to work in a company, it means we commit to the company that we will work there and the company also commit to pay the salary. And for the salary, it's the money that we receive for we helping the company. We have to negotiate about the salary before we start working. If we don't ask about it before we start working, but we decide to work without knowing the salary, I think it's our own fault and our own risk, not the company. However, when we already decided to work, beside knowing or not knowing about the salary, we have to commit to our decision. We can't just leave with some stupid excuses like "I'm sick", "my feet hurts, I can't come to work", "I got to go to the hospital to check blood", etc etc. Don't let anyone be a victim of our selfishness. Not only work stuff, we have to commit to every single thing in our life.

Daejeon, August 6 2011